How To Create a Brand Identity (in 4 steps)

Here’s an overview of how to create a brand identity in 4 steps.

We know that starting a business can be overwhelming AF. Everyone is telling you what you should be doing, who you should be hiring, what experts to follow… and it can be A LOT. So much that you don’t know where to start. Or you’re questioning even starting at all.

Our advice is to block out the noise, and focus on your brand identity because that’s the base that’s going to help you strategize everything you do moving forward.

The four most important aspects of your brand identity are:

1. Discovery:

You can’t pull a brand out of thin air… you need to plant a base that drives your brand to grow. Start by determining your goals, values and target audience.

2. Market and Audience Research:

Analyze your competition and target audience. Research what seems to work, what doesn’t, and how your target audience interacts on social media and with other brands. Find your audience’s pain points and establish how you will solve them.

3. Voice, Tone & Messaging:

This is what will really set your brand apart from the others and what your audience will remember about you. What you say and how you say it needs to be consistent and authentic with who your brand *is*. Think about it like this. If your brand was a person, who would they be? How would they talk? What characteristics would others notice about them?

4. Creative Elements:

Obviously, our favourite part. But again, this is more than a logo. The creative elements of your brand also include things like alternative logos, logo marks, icons, patterns, social media assets and more.

What to remember: Even though creating a new brand is super exciting and you’re going to want to get it done quickly so you can show it off and get things off the ground, taking your time to lay down your base with discovery and research will always be *worth it*.

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